Essays on Writing

This is a collection of essays I’ve written on various topics related to writing poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. There’s even some poetry prompts for the brave among you. You’ll notice I write about revision a lot. Just my way of trying to figure it out – and motivate myself. New essays will be added as they are written. Some of the essays were posted on my poetry journal website and I have a lot to say. Check back for more!

4 Ways to Jump Start Your Poetry

You Do You

How to Organize Your Poetry into a Chapbook

Methods of Creating Visual Poetry

Follow the Guidelines to Success

All You Need – Love Poems

More on Revising Poetry

There’s a (Better) Title Out There

Killing Pesky Cliches

Taking Inspiration by Force

The Trouble With Being a Poet

Listening to Poetry vs. Reading Poetry – Part I

Listening to Poetry vs. Reading Poetry – Part II

Looking Down to Find Yourself

The Journal Jungle

It’s Drafty in Here

Advice Paralysis

Why I Don’t Write Political Poetry

Staying Afloat in a Writing Ocean

Poetry Triggers – Music

Sink the Shot and Save the Poem

A Poet, A Notebook, and A Pencil Walk Into a Bar…

Digging Weeds From the Story Garden

Ignoring Writing Advice (Part 1)

On Berating My Obstinacy and Resolving to Try Something Different (Part 2)

Telling Little Stories

Et Tu, Scriptor?

This is the End, My Friend

Villanelle – A Racy Import With An Interesting Form

Free Verse Is Not a Free For All

Writing Narrative Poetry

What Doesn’t Kill You – Makes for a Great Revenge Story

When I Want Your Advice I’ll Research It

One More Time Through the Grinder

A Few Words on Revision

Poem Analysis – Taming the Wild Verse

Japanese Short Forms

Post-Thanksgiving Poetry Prompts

5 Prompts to Kick Off Poetry Month

5 Places to Get Your Poetry Fix Online

5 Words to Use in Poems

5 Photo Prompts for Poems

Final Five Prompts for Poetry Month

Fragment Friday – The Poetry Forms Edition

Fragment Friday – The Found Poem Edition

Haiku Therapy

Lessons Gleaned From Writing (Or Not Writing) Poetry

Writing, and Not Writing, Lots of Questions

Poem Evolution – Tackling the PAD Challenge

Strengthening Poetry – Revisiting Revision

Self-Inflicted Wounds – Revising Poetry, Part I

Telling Little Stories – Revising Poetry, Part II

Poet as Dictator

Wanted: Map to My Thought Process

Short Stories, Chainsaws, and Rewrites

Curb Your Short Story

Where Do You Get Your Ideas-Part XII, or Egregious Pilfering 201

Contemplating William Stafford

Revising Poems for Fun and Profit PART I

Poem Development, Part II: Borrowing and Stealing

Poem Development – Part I: Research, It’s Not Just For Scientists Anymore.

Where Do You Get Your POEM ideas?

Your Attractive Heading

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