
Publication Credits:

ONE ART: a journal of poetry – Spring 2023 “After a Long Absence, I Return”

Spirit of the Bear Lodge, A Bearlodge Writers Anthology 2023 — “Encompassing Noise”, “Given Wings”, “The Trees in Spring”, “Love Poem with Accolades”, “Unexpected Grace”

Door is A JarFall 2021 “The Couple at Dinner” and “The Family Rate”

Kosmos Quarterly – Spring 2021  “Love Poem with Accolades”, “Unexpected Grace”

Anti-Heroin Chic – February 2021 “Encompassing Noise”, “Dangling Over the River on a Fraying Rope”, and “First Impressions”

Sheila-Na-Gig – Winter 2020 “Throwing Out the Trash” and “Given Wings”

Montana Mouthful: The Great Outdoors Issue – 2020 “Message From the Northern Hemisphere

Rappahannock Review  – 2018 “The Greater She-Bear”    Interview with author

Crafty Poet II A Portable Workshop by Diane Lockward – 2017 Synthesis

Harpur Palate – Fall 2016 issue – The Origin of Humans

WyoPoets Chapbook Labyrinth – 2016 – Martyr

Dark Matter Literary Journal  Summer 2015 issue – “Dimensions“

The Linnet’s Wings  Spring 2015 issue – Last Thoughts Before Drinking from the River Lethe

The Linnet’s Wings Winter 2014 issue – Memory Games” & “A Few Thoughts On The Soul

The Nassau Review 2014 – “The Problem With String Theory

Weather Watch: Poems of Wyoming WyoPoets 2014 – “Wildfire” & “Thunderstorm

Issa’s Untidy Hut 2013 – “Haiku” (full tea mug)

Ribbons: Tanka Society of America Journal, 2012 – “Tanka” (an airplane crosses)

American Tanka, 2011 –Tanka” (years of buttons)

Poets of the American West Anthology, July 2010 – Downwind

Distant Horizons Chapbook WyoPoets 2009 – Observing You From The Other Side Of The Galaxy

Wyoming Paintbrush Chapbook WyoPoets  2007 – Creation Myth

Between Fences Anthology Wyoming Humanities Council, 2007 – Home, Rearranged

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